Basic Linux commands every beginner should know๐Ÿ’ป

Basic Linux commands every beginner should know๐Ÿ’ป


4 min read

Hello there ๐Ÿ‘‹.I hope you are doing great . In this article I am going to share the basic commands that you must know to get started with Linux.

Note: This article does not covers every Linux command rather it focuses on the important and useful commands that you will need to use frequently command

This command acts as a manual. Whenever you don't know how to use a command just type man <command> to get the information related to the command.

$ man ls

LS(1)                                         User Commands                                         LS(1)

       ls - list directory contents

       ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...

       List  information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).  Sort entries alphabetically
       if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified.

       Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

       -a, --all
              do not ignore entries starting with .

       -A, --almost-all
              do not list implied . and ..

              with -l, print the author of each file

       -b, --escape
              print C-style escapes for nongraphic characters

  1. ls command

This command is use to list all the folders and files which are present inside a particular folder.

ls <folder name>

main_folder: ls
file.txt  folder1  folder2

The above code shows the files and folder which are present inside the main_folder

3.mkdir command

This command is used to make a new directory/folder

mkdir <foldername>

main_folder: mkdir newfolder

The above command will create a new folder name newfolder inside the main_folder.

4.rmdir command

Just like mkdir creates a folder,rmdir is used to delete a folder

rmdir <foldername>

main_folder: rmdir newfolder

5.pwd command

whenever you feel lost or if you want to know in which directory you are just use pwd command.

main_folder: pwd
/mnt/c/Users/Rahul Kumar Yadav/main_folder
  1. touch command This command is used to create empty file.
    main_folder:touch cherry.txt

The above command creates cherry.txt file in the main_folder. If the file already exists this command will open the file in write mode.

  1. cp This command is used to copy the file.
main_folder:cp cherry.txt another_folder

The above command copies cherry.txt to folder named another_folder

Note:To copy folders you need to add -r tag.

Example:To move the folder named pen into another folder named class,you can do this.

cp -r <foldername> <destination folder> command

This command is used to move a file from one folder to another folder.

Example:To move a file named cherry.txt to another folder named another_folder you will need to do this

main_folder:mv cherry.txt another_folder

Note : mv can also be used to rename a file,where the first argument is the current file name and the second argument is the new file name.

Example:To rename a file named cherry.txt to mango.txt you can do this

main_folder:mv cherry.txt mango.txt

9.echo command

This command is used to print the string on the terminal

main_folder:echo hello

10.history command

This command is used to see the history of all the commands we have used till now.



The files present in the Linux/macOs have 3 permissions :Read,Write,execute.

To see the permissions of a file just use the command ls -al <filename>


 main_folder:ls -al mango.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 itzrahulyadav itzrahulyadav 0 Oct  5 22:56 mango.txt

The weird letter combinations that you see above are rwx where r means read,w means write and x means execute.

chmod 777 mango.txt

The above command gives the read ,write and execute permissions to the owner of the file,for the members of the group owning the file and for the other users.

Here's a quick overview:

0 = no permission

1 = execute

2 = write

4 = read

In short if you want to provide only read permissions - use 4.

If you want to provide read and write operations use 6 which is equal to 4(read) + 2(write) .

If you want to provide read,write and execute commands use 7 which is equal to 4(read) + 2(write) + 1(execute)

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